AI for Smart Power Solution Today, the utilities sector is undergoing a paradigm shift. It is rapidly transitioning from a classical and closely regulated setting to a tech-driven economy. Data collection and staff optimization are ongoing challenges. With the emergence of the pandemic and the reliance on technology, the need for better infrastructure optimization has […]
Best AI For Plants We have all seen what AI technology has done for human beings. What about AI for plants? According to UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) projections, feeding a world population of 9.1 billion people in 2050 would necessitate a 70% increase in overall food production between 2005–2007 and 2050. Only 4% […]
AI For Environmental Sustainability The evolution of AI has resulted in a significant transformation of various businesses and organizations. The field of artificial intelligence has flourished rapidly due to the huge investments and interest seen in the market for this technology. Large companies and organizations with huge environmental footprints have applied artificial intelligence to make […]
Goals Of AI Artificial Intelligence has become an indispensable part of our lives. We can find the use of AI everywhere. Every industry has started adopting AI for key business operations like sales, marketing, customer services, etc. What about the other goals of artificial intelligence? Can an AI program be used in biology to understand […]
AI In Farming Agriculture is an ancient practice that has been carried out since the Neolithic age. Just like agriculture, the dairy farming industry which involves using dairy animals like cows and buffaloes for the production of milk is quite ancient too, and a form of agriculture. The dairy farming industry worldwide has grown tremendously […]
AI For Saving Sea Turtles AI technologies are being used in different areas like healthcare, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, teaching, security, etc. However, the use of artificial intelligence is not just confined to some businesses and industries. Artificial Intelligence is also being used for saving the environment, and saving sea turtles as well. There are different ways […]
AI for waste management In recent years, urbanization has increased by a higher percentage. Urbanization also comes with lots of environmental challenges and one of the challenges is “management of waste”. When the world is using a massive amount of plastic in different day-to-day stuff, then colossal plastic waste also becomes a big challenge to […]
AI and Climate Crisis Nature and Technology have always been placed on two different sides of an imaginary line. Nature is thought of as a given, upon which humankind acts. Over centuries, many philosophers and thinkers have argued against this idea. Some have even posited that nature itself is not a given, but is a […]
Do you know your old but functional cell phone can really help save the rainforest. Rainforest Connection collects old cell phones and uses them to guard and protect the rain forests across the globe from illegal logging.
Artificial intelligence in agriculture and latest farming techniques, such as vertical farming, is an emerging trend. This futuristic technology makes it possible to monitor plant growth and crop yield.