Themes and Modules |
Learning Outcomes |
What is AI? |
This experiential course provides students with an overview of the elements and concepts of Artificial Intelligence. |
Can AI sense the world around them? |
Demonstrate how computers sense and perceive the world around them. |
Can AI recognise human emotions? |
Discover various computer vision tools to read and recognise emotion. |
How does AI perceive things? |
Explore how AI perceives with a fun project explaining gesture control. |
Is text recognition possible by AI? |
Design an AI program that will read and recognise text using computer vision tools. |
Does a computer have vision? |
Analyse how an AI program will use computer vision tools to read and recognise emotions. |
Do machines understand human sentiments? |
Articulate and create an AI program that will recognise the user’s "Smile" score using sentiment analysis tools. |
How can we enable AI to track user hand movement? |
Execute an AI program that will recognise the user’s hand using computer vision tools. |
How do machines learn using AI? |
Explore and experience the need for labelled data for machines to learn. |
Is decision making possible by AI? |
Plan and employ models and concepts to help decision making through data acquired. |
Can machines read and understand the entered text? |
Build knowledge by actively exploring real-world situations to understand sentiment analytical tools. |
Can we make a machine intelligent? |
Create a machine that will analyse text, semantics and understand NLP concepts and its impact. |
What is natural language processing? |
Deep dive to understand the various facets of Natural Language Processing. |
What is machine learning? |
Model and nurture creativity and creative expression by understanding Machine Learning. |
Do machines understand human language? |
Design and implement an AI program to make machines understand human language. |
How can we model machines to recognise colors? |
Explore how machine learning models and concepts help in decision making through data acquired over time using colour as basis. |
Does AI support language translation? |
Design a language translator & understand its real world applications. |
How do machines learn using AI? |
Create an intelligent machine that will learn by itself. |
Do machines also exercise? |
Explore how computers understand natural human language. They will create an Intelligent machine that will analyse Text, Semantics and draw different shapes. |
What are conversational agents? |
Play & Learn with conversational agents such as Alexa, Google Assistant or Siri and learn how to develop a simple conversational agent. |
Is AI language dependent or can it recognise any language? |
Explore how computers understand different languages. |
Can AI create and play music its own music? |
Develop an intelligent machine that will analyse and play music of your choice. |
How does AI draw different shapes? |
Explore how computers understand natural human language and create an intelligent machine that will analyse text, semantics and draw different shapes. |
Is it possible to detect a person's face by AI? |
Learn about Perception in AI and execute an AI programme that will detect a person’s face. |