AI Calculator using Phiro Code
Create an AI-enabled calculator to do quick calculations.
AI Calculator using S4AIWS
In this project use speech recognition to build an AI Calculator and do quick calculations at the command of your voice.
AI Chat Bot
Build an interactive voice-based “Conversational Agent” program that can be trained to respond to the input provided by the user.
AI Weather Bot
In this program, learners will create a basic chatbot that will respond to user queries regarding the weather of a particular city.
Automate Whatsapp
Automate messages on WhatsApp for a defined time.
Balloon Game
Let’s play a balloon game virtually by moving around.
Diary Entry
Model a diary entry based on speech recognition with a voice password lock.
Digital Library
Make your own E-book using images of the pages using Phiro Code.
Dizzy Effect
Create a dizzy effect through this project.