NLP Messenger
A real-time messenger app that sends & receive messages using NLP.
Paint with Sound
The aim of the project is to paint a plain canvas by whistling.
Rock Paper Scissor
Build a rock paper scissors app that detects the player’s playstyle with a machine learning model using Markov Transition Matrix.
Slide The Puzzle
Create a puzzle where the player has to slide the pieces to their correct position to solve.
Snake and Ladder
A fun game inspired by the traditional Snake and Ladder game.
Solar System
This project shows the revolution of the planets in the orbits in an animated way and the facts about the planets.
Subway Surfers
A fun game where Jake has to collect maximum golden coins overcoming all the obstacles.
Talking Tom
Create an interactive avatar program that utilizes Speech Recognition and generation tools to interact with end-user.
Trip To Mars
A simple and engaging rocket launching project. In this project, at the count down the rocket is launched with sound effects. It travels through the clouds and finally reaches Mars.