AI For Social Good

Wondering how vaccines were developed so quickly against COVID-19? This was possible due to the use of a disruptive technology, artificial intelligence.

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The demand for autonomous delivery vehicles (ADVs) is growing by leaps and bounds. Autonomous delivery vehicles are the future of transportation that would transform the logistics market.

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What you think future of transportation will be? The transportation industry is undergoing a paradigm shift due to the fast-evolving advanced technologies. Autonomous technology is exciting..

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We use speech recognition technology widely in digital assistants in the workplace, smart homes, smart speakers, dictation purposes. AI technology that backs voice-enabled interfaces is very powerful.

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Artificial intelligence in manufacturing will play a pivotal role in reviving the industry. It’s time to strengthen AI-driven pilots and leverage the analytics offered by the technology. 

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Upholding justice is the most crucial responsibility of judiciaries across the globe. Artificial intelligence in justice systems promises positive changes in the procedures to take judicial decisions.

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Artificial Intelligence in military operations is crucial. There are several avenues where the army can utilize AI applications that can exponentially increase its prowess in combat operations.

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AI technologies can prove to be very effective to address humanitarian issues globally. This can be possible only if we integrate artificial intelligence into our system and harness the computation and problem-solving ability of AI.

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AI has the capacity to enable personalized medication in the near future. We need to explore the vast opportunities presented to us by AI to make the world a better place to live.

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