AI For Earth

In recent years, urbanization has increased by a higher percentage. Urbanization also comes with lots of environmental challenges and one of the challenges is “management of waste”. When the world is using a massive amount…

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AI technologies are being used in different areas like healthcare, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, teaching, security, etc. However, the use of artificial intelligence is not just confined to some businesses and industries. Artificial Intelligence is also being…

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AI has the potential to save our planet from anticipated dangers. AI helps in building climate models to simulate the present atmospheric conditions. AI is helping humans fight climate…

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Artificial Intelligence has become an indispensable part of our lives. We can find the use of AI everywhere. Every industry has started adopting AI for key business operations like sales, marketing, customer services, etc. What…

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Nature and Technology have always been placed on two different sides of an imaginary line. Nature is thought of as a given, upon which humankind acts. Over centuries, many philosophers and thinkers have argued against…

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Artificial intelligence in agriculture and latest farming techniques, such as vertical farming, is an emerging trend. This futuristic technology makes it possible to monitor plant growth and crop yield.

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AI has helped researchers and conservationists uncover several unexpected things. Organizations are employing artificial intelligence-based tools to unravel some other long-held elephant mysteries in order to save them.

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We have all seen what AI technology has done for human beings. What about AI for plants? According to UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) projections, feeding a world population of 9.1 billion people in…

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The evolution of AI has resulted in a significant transformation of various businesses and organizations. The field of artificial intelligence has flourished rapidly due to the huge investments and interest seen in the market for…

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