Themes and Modules |
Learning Outcomes |
Can AI recognise alphabets? |
Create a Machine Learning Model that recognizes English alphabets. |
How can machines understand sign language? |
Model a Machine Learning system that recognizes sign languages by testing and training it. |
How does AI track finger positions? |
Design a program to identify and track the position of finger joints. |
How can we enable AI to track user based on his nose position? |
Analyse the position of human nose and create a program to track the same. |
Can AI differentiate animal sounds? |
Tinker with an AI system which is able to recognize different animal sounds and program the system to detect poaching. |
What is NLP? |
Develop a smart app that can take photos automatically & can adjust the settings based on the commands given using Natural Language Processing |
Do machines understand human language? |
Create an app to use speech recognition & text extraction/classification and understand the differences between past & present scenarios along with speech generation. |
Can machines obey commands? |
Design an app to identify the part of day & label them correctly irrespective of the misleading commands given. |
How can we enable image classification using computer vision? |
Build an app that will analyse the video data using Computer Vision and suggest similar products/things related to the content of the video data. |
How to create a security system? |
Secure AI is an emergency app designed for people who are unable to use smartphones in emergency situations. The app uses Sense perception & Speech to text conversion to get the people's command & act appropriately. The server app send the emergency signal while the client app alerts other persons regarding the emergency |
What is Perception? |
Learn about Perception in AI and develop an AI programme that will detect compass directions. Demonstrate how computers sense and perceive the world around them. |
Can AI model Dizzy Effect? |
Explore Perception in AI by analyzing the smartphones sensor and develop an AI programme to make the avatar react according to changes in sensor value. |
How does AI support decision trees? |
Learn to code and create a program to play the "Guess the Number" game using Speech Recognition and generation tools. |
How do machines recognise speech? |
Learn to code and develop an AI program to "navigate from one place to another" using Speech Recognition tools |
What are Speech recognition and Generation tools? |
Code and create an Interactive Avatar program which utilizes Speech Recognition and generation tools. |
Leaning with AI, is it possible? |
Develop a project that draw while you lean left or right in front of the camera. |
Is it possible to change costumes over a photo? |
Build a program to style transfer costumes over a photo. |
Can AI provide dynamic weather reports? |
Develop a program that shows and gives the weather report. |
How does AI answer questions asked? |
Plan and develop a program that fetch data from Wikipedia for the questions we asked. |
Can AI detect when a user touches his face? |
Learn about face detection and how it shows message while you touch your face. |
What are Conversational Agents? |
Work on a text based conversational agent project to explore how supervised learning functions on different chatbots in banks,online courses etc. |
How does AI classify images? |
Develop an AI Image classification program that will recognize and identify different objects based on the data provided by the user. |
Can AI differentiate a happy face and sad face? |
Develop an AI Image classification program that will recognize and identify happy or sad human faces based on the data provided by the user. |
Can we build a Voice Assistant? |
Explore the working of Alexa, Siri and other conversational agents, and interpret how they grasp user intent also create a basic AI Voice User Interface (VUI) program. |