AI Ethics

The applications of technology and artificial intelligence are infinite. The world of AI is expanding rapidly. AI is a technology that mimics human actions and intelligence. This technology is playing a key role in reducing…

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“You’re like a robot” is often said to someone who shows very little emotion. The underlying implication is that machines like robots are non-human and are thus capable of a level of indifference that human…

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AI systems make decisions that affect people. Companies must train AI to be fair in dealing with all sorts of matters. As AI extends its roots deeply into the society, the need for more fair…

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Society runs on ethical values. It’s the ethical values that govern every aspect of our society. Speaking of the future, no one can imagine it without Artificial Intelligence. AI is the talk of…

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For a long time, the question had been, Is Ethical AI even possible. How can we ensure ethical checkpoints within AI systems? How do we ensure the accountability and accessibility of AI systems?

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Artificial intelligence is becoming very popular in the healthcare industry at a faster speed. AI technology is working with doctors delivering results with expert-level accuracy. Well, artificial intelligence holds the promise of tremendous breakthroughs but…

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