AI Novus
A step-by-step introduction to AI | Ages 7 to 10
Scratch coding for kids, online coding classes for kids
AI Playgrounds with Scratch
Age range : 7 to 10 years Level : Beginner Duration : 5 Sessions x ~ 1 hour Mode : Online and Self-Learning Learning content : Rich & experiential # of lessons : 5 # of quiz : 1 Learning Experience : Hands-On Concepts: 5 Big ideas in AI Coding tool : S4AIWS Scratch-AI-extension Capstone […]
AI Primus
Everyone can learn AI | Ages 11 to 13
AI Primus
Everyone can learn AI
AI project
The aim of the project is to make 2ring to recognize the input given using freehand drawing.
AI Weather Bot
In this program, learners will create a basic chatbot that will respond to user queries regarding the weather of a particular city.
Automate Whatsapp
Automate messages on WhatsApp for a defined time.