Face Detection
Create a program to identify the face from the digital image/video.
Finding my birthday game
Learn about “Decision Tree” in this fun game-based project.
Make 2ring.AI do exercise
Help 2ring exercise in this engaging project.
Night Mode
Build a sleep assistant which will detect the light intensity of the room and help the user to sleep better.
NLP Messenger
A real-time messenger app that sends & receive messages using NLP.
Rock Paper Scissor
Build a rock paper scissors app that detects the player’s playstyle with a machine learning model using Markov Transition Matrix.
Talking Tom
Create an interactive avatar program that utilizes Speech Recognition and generation tools to interact with end-user.
Virtual AI Fireworks
Enjoy bursting different fireworks virtually with AI.
Voice Search
A simple NLP-based browser app that is able to switch search engines based on keywords.