How Can Parents Prepare Their Children for an AI-Powered Future?

How Can Parents Prepare Their Children for an AI-Powered Future

Without any doubt, the world is definitely AI-powered and will become even more so in the coming years. 35% of businesses are now employing AI, while 42% are considering it for future use. AI will remove 85 million jobs while creating 97 million new ones by 2025. However, if you fully understand on a broader level, the jobs will not become extinct. Instead, they would be automated. The technological advance will open up millions of new jobs. However, all of these prospects would be dependent on AI (artificial Intelligence). It is your duty as a parent to include artificial intelligence in your child’s learning experience. Make certain that they do not miss out on necessary prospects.

The education industry has recently gone through a period of revolution. The Central government’s introduction of the National Education Policy of India 2020 (NEP 2020) is the first step towards a modern education system. The move incorporates artificial intelligence into children’s schooling. With the entire globe moving to a virtual world, it is vital to understand how to prepare children for an AI-powered future.

What is the need of teaching AI to children?

  • We see a world molded more and more by artificial intelligence (AI). 
  • Children are growing up with AI-powered devices such as our Apple HomePod, and even better AI is on the way. 
  • It is a sensible choice for you as a parent to keep your children up to speed with future technologies. Machines and artificial intelligence (AI) for children will safeguard their future. 
  • Even if your child is not inclined towards machines, robots, computers, or artificial intelligence, it will teach them a variety of life skills. These abilities will serve them well in other interests that they have.
  • Learning AI for kids is now a necessity for survival in an ever-changing environment.

Benefits of learning AI at a young age for children

  • Developing an interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
  • Aids in the development of thinking skills and stimulates creativity in children.
  • Improve their emotional intelligence.
  • Development will give them new problem-solving skills.
  • Children will require artificial intelligence understanding in order to pursue a career in AI in the future.
  • Develop their imagination and get hands-on training. 
  • Making an artificial intelligence program for a child’s development will teach them to remain calm in stressful situations.
  • Creating artificial intelligence necessitates collaboration. It assists children in becoming team players. 
  • It also fosters leadership abilities.

What can parents do to prepare their children for an AI-powered world?

The future is moving so quickly that it is difficult for parents to keep up. They are overwhelmed by the speed of technological advancement and are frequently concerned about what technology may do to their children.

Their responsibility, however, is not to shield kids from the world but to train them as they mature.

If you desire AI to be a cornerstone of your children’s education, start with the basics. Nowadays, children get access to technological devices at an early age. So all you have to do is steer them toward the more constructive part of the digital realm.

Here are some steps that parents can take to prepare their children for an AI-powered world.

Find out more

  • You can strive to learn more about technology and artificial intelligence even if you lack technical expertise or automation knowledge.
  • You may discover how these technologies affect your daily life. In this manner, you may pique your children’s interest in artificial intelligence while also preparing them for the existing age of AI.

Learning together is fun

  • Another way is to learn more about AI-powered devices with your children. When you buy a new AI-powered gadget for your house, don’t just give it to your kids to play with and then walk away.
  • If you sit down with the gadget together, you will understand how it works and how to utilize it effectively.
  • You will naturally question things as you study together. You may answer their questions and advise them on how to utilize technology appropriately.
  • Learning together also strengthens your bonds with your child and establishes a trusting connection that will benefit your family for the rest of your lives.

Be the person who will teach technology to your child

A third method is to introduce your kids to artificial intelligence and technological advances ahead of time.

As children get more exposed to technology at their friends’ homes and at school, it will benefit them if they have some prior experience with these tools.

Skills that parents should teach their children

Here are the top skills parents should be teaching their children at present to prepare them for the world of AI automation in the future.

Technical skills

These are the standard STEM competencies (i.e. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) that will help your children excel in careers in AI in the future. As a result, you should teach your kids how to operate computers, write code, create robots, interpret data, and so on.

Human skills

  • To prepare for professions that require human-to-human interaction, your children must develop human-specific traits such as imagination, compassion, and sensitivity. They must learn to be social, to create trust, and to interact effectively.
  • It is essential that young children develop their creative abilities via painting, music, and reading. They must also learn how to develop interpersonal interactions through social activities, games, and hobbies.

Critical thinking

  • Critical thinking is a crucial life skill. 
  • The capacity to envision, analyze, and interpret data in order to assess its soundness and authenticity, such as what is real and what is not, is referred to as critical thinking ability. 
  • These skills aid in the formation of opinions and ideas. 
  • Critical thinking also promotes individuality, innovation, and curiosity. 
  • Children who are trained to apply critical thinking skills ask many questions and want to discover the “why” behind everything.

Do you wish to teach your child basic engineering and technology concepts? Are you concerned about his lack of interest in science and mathematics in this age of AI? You, as a parent, need to take some proactive steps to generate interest in your child in this AI-powered world. The skills acquired by learning future technologies will help the child whether or not he or she chooses a career in AI.

Exposure to future technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence will quite definitely broaden your child’s creativity and access to opportunities. As the world moves towards AI automation, your child can reap the rewards of his expertise.

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